
Revive Hub

Revive Coffee Shop is becoming Revive Hub

We are moving the model from a coffee shop to a community hub with a coffee shop within it. The base function of this will be our beloved coffee shop with the Hub function making use of the space to include community drop-ins and services.

This will start with CAP Debt and Job Club drop-ins and will be expanded in time.

We have undertaken a needs analysis of the town, we are then looking at where there are gaps in the care already offered in the town, and where we can offer community services through our hub that will help serve the people of New Mills and the High Peak.

Some future ideas are designated opening hours for young people after school with a reduced cost menu and specific youth workers present to make connections and offer support. Looking to tackle isolation and loneliness and build stronger relationships with, and serve the needs of, the elderly. All work in progress at present!


The refurb is now underway (as you may have seen), and we have included some design plans below.

The refurb has been designed to look like Revive Church internally so that there is a visual link between the 2 places. We know environments matter and we want people to make that connection, and enjoy the warmth, excellence, and feel of the Revive Church environment at the Hub.

We have moved the counter so that we can move the shop from an inefficient, unreliable, and costly Sani-flow system to mains plumbing. We are turning the office at the back into a fully equipped food prep space, and also have a new fire door fitted to ensure we are compliant. The coffee bar will also be completely modular and movable so that they can be pushed to the side and a larger space can be used for other purposes, particularly evening groups, and larger group functions.

In summary with drop-ins, community services, space for evening groups to meet, our brilliant coffee shop, and the hub team focussed on serving and connecting with our wider community, this will truly become a central hub for Revive’s mid-week activities right in the centre of our community.

Keep on reading for images below!

What’s Next?

Whilst we have been closed, we have been working on our processes, training plans and resourcing to ensure we can hit the ground running when we re-open.

We have also secured some new coffee lines to add to our signature Revive blend. We want to retain and build on our reputation for excellent coffee, and further harness connection with our wider community.

Prior to reopening (once the refurb is complete) we will offer all volunteers and staff, barista training, customer service training, and training on our internal processes and preparation of menu items.

The menu will be adapted and updated in order for us to go to the dual-function space.

We will be looking to recruit some new roles soon.

If you have any questions or want to get in touch feel free to email office@revivechurch.uk

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